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ÅPENT KREATIVT ROM/ open creative room 

"Åpent kreativt rom" is and initiativ to open up and share the art of dance for the smaller audience, first produced in 2019. 

"Åpent Kreativt rom! arrangeres i samarbeid med Kunstbanken på Hamar og SIB Dance Lab.



The project in 2019:


"Åpent Sansende rom" / "Open sensory room"

An artistic collaboration between Terje Tjøme Mossige and Ålskog/ Brandanger. 

Installation Kladeisen at Kunstbanken

Performance at Kunstbanken 

Workshop "Sansende rom"/ "Sensory Room" for nursery kids

Work in progress Ålskog/ Brandanger performers Carl Joseph Aquilizan and Hanna Våge Skjeggestad


In 2019 this project was supported by TILT, Sparebankstiftelsen Hedmark and Kunstbanken, Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, Stange Kommune, Hamar kommune, hedmark fylkeskommune. 


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